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At the Feet of Rabbi Gamaliel

At the Feet of Rabbi Gamaliel

Rabbinic Influence In Paul's Teachings



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The influence of Rabbi Gamaliel upon Shaul (Paul), his student, has neither been fully appreciated nor adequately analyzed, until now. There can be no doubt that the influence of the Rabbi upon his student(s) would have been a large one, given the historical circumstances surrounding the life of Shaul. Shaul was on the “fast track” to becoming a sage and Sanhedrin judge. His self‑description depicts himself as passionate for the Torah and the traditions of the fathers, typical for an aspiring Pharisee:  “…trained at the feet of Gamaliel in every detail of the Torah of our forefathers. I was a zealot for God, as all of you are today” (Acts 22.3, CJB). Literally, “at the feet of Gamaliel”, is in keeping with the Pharsaic injunction to” cling to the dust of their (the Pharisaic sages’) feet, and drink their words with thirst.” Did Paul continue following the influence of Rabbi Gamaliel or did he turn against the instructions of his teacher? Did Paul continue to value the Torah and Pharisaic tradition?  Did Paul create a ‘New’ Theology?  The results of the research within these pages and the conclusion, may surprise you.


Products » BOOKS » Biblical Studies » General
ISBN: 9781936716753
Messianic Jewish Resources
Product Code: 10057350
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 100
Release Date: 22.11.2013
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