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Be Holy (Leviticus)

Be Holy (Leviticus)

Becoming ""Set Apart"" for God



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"Eight times in the bible, you find this text: "Be holy, for I am holy!" " These words are much more than an admonition from a holy God. They are an invitation to a life of wholeness and close fellowship with the Lord. Studying the Book of Leviticus will help you understand: - What true holiness is and the difference it makes - How a holy god deals with sin and provides forgiveness - How believers today can grow in personal holiness - The privileges God's people have in worship and service - The work that Jesus Christ has done for His people If you are struggling to understand the principles of holy living, then "Be Holy" is just the book for you.
ISBN: 9781434700537
Producer: David C. Cook
Product Code: 472118
Dimensions: 140 x 210 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 208
Release Date: 01.11.2010
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