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Be Wise (1 Corinthians)

Be Wise (1 Corinthians)

Discern the Difference Between Man's Knowledge and God's Wisdom



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The early church in Corinth was falling apart. Sin was rampant, divisions were growing, and the congregation was living no differently than the world around them. What had corrupted this once vibrant church? The apostle Paul immediately understood the symptoms: The people had traded God's perfect wisdom for faulty human knowledge. Be Wise guides us through Paul's first letter to the Corinthians, where he encourages his fellow believers to embrace a life of wisdom and truth. Part of Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe's best-selling "BE" commentary series, Be Wise has now been updated with study questions and a new introduction by Ken Baugh. A respected pastor and Bible teacher, Dr. Wiersbe shares a wealth of insights on living wisely. With topics ranging from priorities, to marriage, to spiritual gifts, you'll be encouraged to pursue wisdom in all areas of your life.
ISBN: 9781434766366
Producer: David C. Cook
Product Code: 471881
Dimensions: 140 x 210 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 192
Release Date: 01.03.2010
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