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Beauty in the Desert

Beauty in the Desert

Discover Deeper Intimacy with God Through the Model of the Tabernacle


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Deserts can be harsh, but they also are home to rare beauty. Spiritual deserts are difficult, but in God's hands they can become life transforming. During spiritual deserts, we can find love in God's dwelling place, the tabernacle, because it offers a blueprint for intimately meeting with Him. Author Eddie Broussard guides readers through the tabernacle, clearly explaining its meaning in light of its New Covenant fulfillment in Christ. Understanding the tabernacle can lead you to have worship that empowers, wisdom that guides, and a knowledge of God that transforms.
ISBN: 9781617471582
Tyndale House Publishers
Product Code: 177152
139 x 15 x 209 mm
Weight: 0.256kg
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 17.12.2015
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