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Between A Rock And A Hard Place

Between A Rock And A Hard Place



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You know the story: God told Abraham he would become a great nation. Then he told him to sacrifice his own (and only) son, Isaac. Abraham obeyed God and was about to kill Isaac-when God intervened.

This is a classic Between a Rock and a Hard Place situation. So how was Abraham able to obey in the face of losing it all? Or to bring it closer to home-what would you have done?

In this powerful new book, Tony Evans reveals what to do when your love for God is tested. According to Evans, 'when you don't know God, or when you either forget or dismiss what is true about Him, then you don't know how to respond...'

Moving through passages in both the Old and New Testaments, Evans makes a powerful case for obedient living as the key to an abundant life.
ISBN: 9780802423269
Moody Publishers
Product Code: 282885
133 x 6 x 203 mm
Weight: 208.840kg
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 160
Release Date: 01.10.2010
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