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Bible Promises for Parents of Children with Special Needs

Bible Promises for Parents of Children with Special Needs



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As the parent of a child with special needs, does your heart ache with questions, confusion, or discouragement? Do you ever feel that you have no margin in your emotional reserves or sense a gaping need for encouragement, rest, and refreshment? Caring for someone with autism, Down syndrome, ADHD, emotional or behavioral disorders, or physical disabilities can be all-consuming. Bible Promises for Parents of Children with Special Needs can help you claim God’s promises for your everyday life. You’ll become more aware of God’s passion for you and your child through this handy guide that speaks directly to the unique journey of special needs parenting. These promises are for your comfort. Claim them as your own. Pray them over your family and over your children. Let them guide you into the presence of Jesus and the security that only he can provide.
ISBN: 9781496417275
Tyndale House Publishers
Product Code: 10026562
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 30.04.2017
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