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Bible Studies for Life: Kids Books of the Bible Posters

Bible Studies for Life: Kids Books of the Bible Posters



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Bible Studies For Life: Kids Books of the Bible Posters contain one poster for each Bible book studied. Each poster includes interesting facts about the books of the Bible, including the author, audience, and purpose. Each poster is color-coded according to the division of the Bible where it belongs. These posters make a bright and colorful addition to any Kids area! Order one set for each class. Bible Studies For Life: is a series of curriculum for all ages, Babies through adults, intentionally designed to help connect the unconnected, strengthen families, and disciple people with wisdom.


Products » Gift Product » Posters
ISBN: 9781430042648
Lifeway Christian Resources
Product Code: 10046817
273 x 8 x 425 mm
Weight: 1010.000kg
Binding: Poster
Number of pages: 66
Release Date: 01.06.2015
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