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Big Questions

Big Questions

Bible-based discussions on everything from the Big Bang to Climate Change



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A resource to help young people look at issues, examine the evidence and, with the help of the Bible, gain a better understanding of what’s involved and hopefully to draw their own conclusions about the following Big Questions: Does God exist? Is creation random or is there a hint of design? Is climate change for real? Why do we have the rich and the poor? Why is there suffering in the world? Is there life after death? Who was Jesus? What is the purpose of questioning? For individuals or as a resource for young people’s groups.
ISBN: 9781848679078
Producer: Kevin Mayhew
Product Code: 10036853
UPC: 1501547
Weight: 200.000kg
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 92
Release Date: 21.04.2017
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