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Bonhoeffer Abridged

Bonhoeffer Abridged

Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy


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From the New York Timesbest-selling author, Eric Metaxas, an abridged version of the groundbreakingbiography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, one of the greatest heroes of the twentiethcentury, a man who stood up to Hitler. A definitive,deeply moving narrative, Bonhoeffer is a story of moral courage in theface of monstrous evil. As Adolf Hitler and the Nazis seduced a nation, bullieda continent, and attempted to exterminate the Jews of Europe, a young pastornamed Dietrich Bonhoeffer become one of the first to speak out against Hitler.As a double agent, he joined the plot to assassinate the Führer, and he washanged in Flossenberg concentration camp at age thirty-nine. Since his death,Bonhoeffer has grown to be one of the most fascinating, complex figures of thetwentieth century. Bonhoeffer brings the reader face-to-face with a mandetermined to do the will of God radically, courageously, and joyfully—even tothe point of death. It is the story of a life framed by a passion for truth anda commitment to justice on behalf of those who face implacable evil.


Products » BOOKS » Biography » Autobiography
Producer: Thomas Nelson
ISBN: 9780718016166
Product Code: 386265
139 x 19 x 213 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 256
Release Date: 07.10.2014
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