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Caring Together

Caring Together



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Many people offer committed care – to a family member, friend, neighbour or fellow church member. The caring can last a few months or go on for years. It is frequently demanding and often rewarding. Talking about it in a supportive environment can make the caring more effective and manageable. This ten session course provides a framework for such conversations. Suggestions for discussion arise from what carers have written about the experience, from reflection on some things Jesus said and did, and from the ideas of thinkers and writers from different epochs. Sessions cover topics such as Looking after yourself, Listening, Getting support, Anger. This book is best used in a group set up specifically to study it. But the material also provides a rich resource for individual reflection on how to care better.
ISBN: 9781848674646
Producer: Kevin Mayhew
Product Code: 952743
UPC: 1501318
Weight: 166.000kg
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 31.01.2016
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