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Character By God's Design Volume 5

Character By God's Design Volume 5

13 Lessons on Forgiveness, Peacemaking and a Servant’s Heart



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Equip kids with the character qualities they need to each become the person God created them to be. These exciting, hands-on Bible lessons explore the character qualities of forgiveness, peacemaking, and having a servant's heart. Kids will explore each character quality in memorable lessons that are rooted in Scripture and reinforce God's foundational plan for a fruitful Christian life. Plus, the DVD includes videos that reinforce what kids learn. With these lessons, you'll introduce kids of all ages to: - Forgiveness--Trusting God to help me love others who hurt me. - Peacemaking--Getting along with others. - Servant's Heart--Thinking of others before I think of myself.
ISBN: 9781470750138
Group Publishing
Product Code: 10036905
Paperback w/DVD
Number of pages: 125
Release Date: 11.07.2017
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