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Christ The King

Christ The King

Icon Of Love



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For many centuries Christians have found the symbol of the cross to be a source of inspiration. Reflections in this book explore the less well-known cross which depicts Christ reigning as king of heaven and earth. Known as the Christus Rex, this depiction is rich in symbolism and tells much more of the story of Jesus’ life, suffering, death, rising and triumphant return to heaven than any other form of the cross. The message of the Christus Rex is explored; each chapter focusing on one of a number of traditional and contemporary theological and spiritual insights. Christ The King - Icon Of Love would be suitable for individuals but also for groups meeting regularly. At the end of each chapter, there are suggestions for discussions and for prayer and a verse of a specially written hymn.
ISBN: 9781848679795
Producer: Kevin Mayhew
Product Code: 10061906
UPC: 1501600
Weight: 147.000kg
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 184
Release Date: 11.01.2019
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