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Christians Are Forever!

Christians Are Forever!

The Doctrine of the Saints & Perserverance Explained and Confirmed



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The fact that some who profess to be Christians fall away from the faith has always been an obstacle to God’s people, but we are told in the Bible that those who God has called are saved forever. How then are we to understand the saints’ perseverance in the Christian life? How are we to view our lives in the light of God’s everlasting covenant and Christ’s completed work of salvation? What is our motivation to finish the race? John Owen’s work The Doctrine of the Saints’ Perseverance Explained and Confirmed was originally published in 1654 and this easier–to–read abridgement is still relevant to Christians today.
ISBN: 9781527102927
Christian Focus Publications
Product Code: 10059064
Dimensions: 130 x 198 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 80
Release Date: 15.03.2019
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