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Claudia, Wife Of Pontius Pilate

Claudia, Wife Of Pontius Pilate

A Novel



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In a time of turmoil, one woman will search for love and peace--and find it where she never expected. Tugged this way and that by fate's indifferent hand, Claudia's life is adrift--until she meets Lucius Pontius Pilate and becomes his wife. When they move to the troublesome territory of Judea, she does what she has always done: makes the best of it. But unrest is brewing and Claudia will soon find herself and her beloved husband embroiled in controversy and rebellion. Might she find hope in the mysterious Jewish Rabbi everyone seems to be talking about? Let this epic story whisk you through marbled palaces, dusty marketplaces, and idyllic Italian villas as you follow the unlikely path of a woman who warrants only a passing mention in one of the Gospel accounts, but whose story, as told by Diana Wallis Taylor, is one worthy of legend.
ISBN: 9780800721381
Baker Book House
Product Code: 199254
Dimensions: 140 x 216 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 336
Release Date: 19.08.2015
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