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Cold, Cold Heart

Cold, Cold Heart

Snowbound With A Stone-Cold Killer



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After the events of Deep Water, scientist Katie Flanagan has gained an undeserved reputation as a trouble-maker. Her career in research has foundered. When an accident creates an opening at an Antarctic station she seizes it, flying in on the last plane before winter and the months of darkness close off all escape routes. However, a killer is at large, seeking revenge for a scientific fraud.Meanwhile patent lawyer Daniel Marchmont has been asked by a venture capitalist to undertake background research into a company involved in Antarctic research. His investigations threaten to uncover the fraud and expose powerful individuals. Katie faces real danger.Then the power at the research station fails – and only the killer has the skills to save them …


Products » BOOKS » Fiction » General
Products » BOOKS » Fiction » General
ISBN: 9781782642169
Producer: Lion Hudson
Product Code: 10041730
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 256
Release Date: 17.11.2017
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