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Common Grace and the Gospel

Common Grace and the Gospel



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What point of contact does the Christian have with the world in order to bring the biblical message to the nonbeliever? How can the doctrines of election and total depravity be reconciled with the universal offer of the gospel and human responsibility? Does our Lord show favor to saint and sinner alike? Restoring the full text of the original 1972 work, this collection of annotated essays addresses questions on common grace and its relevance to the gospel. A pioneer in presuppositional apologetics, Cornelius Van Til sets forth a Christian philosophy of history; examines the views of Abraham Kuyper, Herman Hoeksema, and others in the debate over common grace; and replies to criticism.
ISBN: 9781596385832
P&R Publishing
Product Code: 10047738
Dimensions: 152 x 229 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 328
Release Date: 13.03.2015
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