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Complete Anglican Melody

Complete Anglican Melody


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Hymns Old & New is firmly established as the leading collection for the Anglican Church. With combined sales of 500,000 in six years it has outsold all other hymn books and is now available in a large print edition.

It is an eclectic collection of standard hymns and newer com ­po ­s ­itions reflecting the diversity which is an invigorating aspect of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

The newest edition, entirely revised and reset, brings it completely up to date, foreshadowing the develop ­ ­ ­ment of liturgy in the years to come. In its first year Complete Anglican Hymns Old & New sold over 50,000 copies.

• 766 Hymns and Songs
• 154 Children's Hymns
• 30 Rizza and Taize Chants
• 27 Settings for the Eucharist
• Exhaustive Indexes


Products » Music » Music Books
ISBN: 9781840038989
Producer: Kevin Mayhew
Product Code: 10052719
UPC: 1413133
Weight: 0.984kg
Binding: Hard Cover
Release Date: 19.07.2002
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