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Complete Guide to Bible Journaling

Complete Guide to Bible Journaling



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Discover a powerful new way to engage with Scripture through art in this inspirational guide to Bible Journaling. Talented artist Joanne Fink explains all the basics of this beautiful art form that connects faith with creativity. Joanne teaches lovely techniques for expressing your faith like lettering, illustration, and embellishment using markers, gel pens, pencils, stamps, stickers, overlays, and paint. Learn about the wonderfully fulfilling benefits of Bible Journaling, and get helpful advice on choosing scripture and the types of Bibles and journals to use. Some of the world s leading Bible Journaling artists provide colorful examples and inspiration, including Shanna Noel, Rebekah R Jones, Valerie Wieners-Massie, Tai Bender, and many more.
ISBN: 9781497202726
Producer: Fox Chapel
Product Code: 10029047
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 24.04.2017
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