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Cornerstones Of Salvation

Cornerstones Of Salvation



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Lee Gatiss’ Cornerstones of Salvation is a model for historical theology done in service of the church. The scholarship is penetrating in its depth, yet written in an engaging manner able to speak to the general reader. Indeed, the historical questions have been aptly chosen for their clear relevance to the needs of the Reformed community today. What are the fundamentals of saving doctrine essential for contemporary audiences to hear? In the light of the New Perspective, can we still preach justification by faith? In fact, in an age of sound bites and video clips, should local congregational preaching still be the top priority? How should Christian parents present the faith to their children, assuming they are outside of the faith being beckoned in, or are they inside the faith being nurtured to grow? With contemporary culture demanding inclusion, is there room for some degree of doctrinal diversity amongst today’s adherents of the Westminster Confession? With calls for unity in the face of Christianity’s minority status in contemporary Western society, are there limits to making common cause with Protestants from other traditions? In short, Cornerstones of Salvation shrewdly mines the Christian past for helpful insights on essential issues facing the Reformed tradition today. Readers will be well rewarded by reading it cover to cover. Ashley Null, DFG-Cranmer-Projekt, Theologische Fakultät, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
ISBN: 9781783971954
Evangelical Press
Product Code: 10034349
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 06.12.2017
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