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Courage, Dear Heart

Courage, Dear Heart

Letters to a Weary World



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Our world is chaotic and often feels dark and devoid of hope. And it’s not just the headlines we see every day. Our relationships are broken. A loved one’s health is failing. We’re disoriented and restless and wrestling with fear. These things are the reality of living in a fallen world. But our God is over that world. He is present in the midst of the daily ache of life. He loves us in the midst of that ache. In a series of eleven letters, Rebecca Reynolds writes to the lonely, the weary, the restless and afraid—anyone who feels the ache of our broken world and their broken life—and provides perspective and hope to find where God is in the midst of it.
ISBN: 9781631467684
Tyndale House Publishers
Product Code: 10044856
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 14.08.2018
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