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Cover To Cover Bible Study: Judges 1 - 8

Cover To Cover Bible Study: Judges 1 - 8



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This study guide, ideal for small groups, covers the first eight chapters of Judges, looking at the lives of Othniel, Ehud, Deborah and Gideon. The Israelites were stuck in a cycle of behaviour: worshipping idols instead of God; being oppressed by a foreign nation; crying out to God for help; being provided with a judge to deliver them, worshipping idols instead of God, and so on. And far from learning from their mistakes, the Israelites got progressively worse as the cycles unfolded. Phin Hall helps us to see through this downward spiral and discover that the book of Judges is a book all about faith - the importance of faith, what can be achieved when we work together with God, how faith can be demonstrated in the way we live, God's commitment to growing and shaping our faith and in addition the things that can damage our faith.
ISBN: 9781853456817
Producer: CWR
Product Code: 504424
Dimensions: 148 x 210 mm
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 12.03.2012
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