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Creeds, Councils And Christ

Creeds, Councils And Christ

Did the early Christians misrepresent Jesus?


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How reliable a picture of Jesus Christ do we get from the Bible and the early Church writings? This book considers this key question and explains in straightforward terms what the early church believed and why it developed its theology in the way that it did. Through scrupulous research Gerald Bray has pieced together the evidence. Modern Christians need to learn about their heritage and understand its importance, as well as its relevance to today's debate. This book is a contribution to that understanding, and it is written in the same spirit and with the same missionary purpose as that which guided the Fathers of the Church whose work forms the subject of its pages.
ISBN: 9781845505134
Christian Focus Publications
Product Code: 111400
Dimensions: 138 x 216 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 224
Release Date: 30.05.2009
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