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Daniel: Far From Home

Daniel: Far From Home

40 Undated Bible Readings



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The story of Daniel and his three friends is well known and well loved. But the account of these four men, in a far away land, is so much more than the lion’s den and a fiery furnace that we remember from Sunday school. In forty days, experienced Bible–teacher Justin Mote, takes us through the historical account from the book of Daniel, showing us God’s goodness, provision and sovereignty, even when the situation seems out of control. We get to know these four men of God in a new way, seeing their discipline, devotion and love for the one true God. Each of the undated devotions closes with comments or questions to help stimulate further private reflection. These studies are ideal for personal use or group devotions.
ISBN: 9781906173685
Producer: 10Publishing
Product Code: 221502
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 29.07.2015
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