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Darkness To Destiny

Darkness To Destiny

A Powerful True Story Of A Young Woman's Fight For Freedom



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A boarding school for girls was radically transformed when one of the pupils encountered Jesus and began to share her newfound faith. Gwynneth was one of the first to follow in devoting her life to Christ, and the revival that followed had far-reaching effects. Gwynneth completed her education, not with great academic qualifications, but with a calling from heaven to reach out to the homeless and rejected with the love of Jesus. She invested herself in spending time with, and praying for, the marginalised, but her efforts soon led to burnout, followed by a rapid download spiral emotionally and spiritually. She began to encounter Satanic activity, depression and sickness, along with abuse and rejection from those around her. At times she made poor choices. Gradually she found herself drawn into the world of drug addiction, with poverty, suffering and violence. God seemed distant and Gwynneth found herself trapped beyond her ability to escape. But she could not forget her childhood encounter with Jesus. In the midst of great darkness, she clung on to the hope of her destiny.
ISBN: 9781911086673
Onwards & Upwards Publishing
Product Code: 10034052
13 x 234 x 156 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 177
Release Date: 30.06.2017
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