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Debated Issues In Sovereign Predestination

Debated Issues In Sovereign Predestination

Early Lutheran Presdestination, Calvinan Reprobation And Variations In Genevan Lapsarianism



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Joel R. Beeke examines three flashpoints of controversy in Reformation and Post-Reformation theology: first, the development of the Lutheran doctrine of predestination from Martin Luther and Philip Melancthon to the formula of Concord; second, the doctrine of reprobation as traced through the writings of John Calvin; and third, the doctrine of predestination in Geneva from Theodore Beza in the sixteenth century to Jean-Alphonse Turretin and Jacob Vernet in the eighteenth century. This book offers a balanced, historical analysis of a difficult subject.
ISBN: 9783525552605
Reformation Heritage Books
Product Code: 10035084
Binding: Hard Cover
Number of pages: 252
Release Date: 30.03.2017
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