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Delicious Bible Stories

Delicious Bible Stories



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Help children of all ages understand Bible stories through the fun of taste and cooking! Everyone loves a good story and everyone loves to eat. Delicious Bible Stories combines the physical act of preparing the foods, the sensory act of eating the foods, and active listening to create unforgettable Bible stories. Using no-cook cooking methods, the boys and girls will make foods that go along with Bible stories from both the Old and the New Testaments. For example, the children will make the haroset as they hear the story of the Last Supper. They will prepare Babylonian fruit and nut balls as they hear the stories of Daniel and many many more. Ingredient lists and preparation directions for the foods are included as well as the Bible stories.  Help persons of all ages understand the Bible stories through the fun of taste and cooking!
ISBN: 9781426700323
Abingdon Press
Product Code: 734654
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 01.06.2009
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