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Dispensationalism And The History Of Redemption

Dispensationalism And The History Of Redemption

A Developing and Diverse Tradition



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Top-level Scholarship on a Long-Standing Tradition

Dispensationalism has long been associated with careful interpretation and grammatical-historical sensitivity to the Scriptures. But in recent decades it has been the target of critique. Dispensationalism and the History of Redemption offers a thorough and convincing look at God's plan for humanity.

Brought together in one volume are all the critical elements to know:

  • An introduction to dispensationalism-its terms, biblical support, and place within Christian orthodoxy.
  • The history and influence of dispensationalism-from its roots in John Nelson Darby to its global influence through mission movements.
  • The hermeneutics of dispensationalism- the interpretive principles behind the system.
  • Dispensationalism and redemptive history-the story of salvation traced through the Old and New Testaments, including their unity and diversity in relation to Christ.

With contributors from top-tier institutions like Dallas Theological Seminary and The University of Aberdeen, Dispensationalism and the History of Redemption is an expert treatment of a long-standing yet developing tradition.

ISBN: 9780802409614
Moody Publishers
Product Code: 300864
152 x 16 x 229 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 272
Release Date: 01.09.2015
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