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Do Hard Things

Do Hard Things

A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations



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The surprising message of Do Hard Things will resonate with young people who sense that they are being lulled into mediocrity by the consumer, 'me'-obsessed values of pop culture. This book is the must-have manifesto for teens who are ready to attempt more and believe more for their lives, starting now. Do Hard Things weaves persuasive arguments from historical and contemporary sources with personal story and biblical principles to expose the negative effects of 'the myth of adolescence,' redefine the teen years as the launching pad of life, and motivate young people to reach for their true potential.
ISBN: 9781601428295
Producer: Authentic
Product Code: 10043230
Dimensions: 132 x 203 mm
Weight: 264.000kg
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 19.05.2016
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