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Don't Beat Yourself Up

Don't Beat Yourself Up

Learning the Wisdom of Kindsight



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Tania Bright knows life can be tough. “I’ve had heart-breaking bereavements; made poor financial choices; lost confidence through redundancy; suffered relationship breakdown; failed in some ministry endeavours; grieved through two miscarriages; and regularly clock up significant social faux pas.” “We might not be able to change what’s happened,” she explains, “but we can change our response. God wants to breathe goodness and kindness and love into every area of our life – particularly the areas we’re the most frightened or ashamed of. I see failures, fears, flops, and fiascos as an opportunity to be kind to myself. I now live my life through ‘kindsight’, rather than mere hindsight. It informs how I interpret and accept the past, negotiate and enjoy the present, and stay optimistic for the future.”
ISBN: 9780857216625
Producer: Lion Hudson
Product Code: 122733
Dimensions: 130 x 198 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 224
Release Date: 07.03.2016
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