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Embrace Your Purpose- Community Book 5

Embrace Your Purpose- Community Book 5


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The iFollow discipleship resource series is a powerful and relevant Bible study tool written by youth ministers for youth ministry. Each study book is designed to cover four weeks of study in small or large group settings, progressing through key issues in Scripture that every believer needs to grasp as a follower of Jesus. The reality is, teens don't decide if they will follow--we all must follow something. But we can decide whom to follow. The world wants us to follow its way of thinking and its ideals. But following Jesus is why we were created, and it's the only way that lasts. The iFollow series gives students the tools they need to follow Jesus deeper and beyond. Conveniently formatted to fit in a student's pocket, and priced for ministries to purchase in bulk, this series is the ideal tool for youth discipleship.
ISBN: 9780898274370
Wesleyan Publishing House
Product Code: 716773
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 16.10.2010
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