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Everybody Wants to Win

Everybody Wants to Win

But Nobody Wants to Wait



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Same-day delivery works for packages, not for people. Waiting on God isn’t easy. Frustration and discouragement can set in when we don’t see the answers we seek now. But you can trust that your answer is on the way. In this insightful book Marcus Gill encourages and motivates you to trust God’s timing and teaches you how to wait. You will discover: • Why God makes us wait • Why we can trust His timing • How to align themselves with His will and pray according to His will and Word • Why we must have a vision, goal, and plan while we wait • Why we must worship to see breakthrough
ISBN: 9781629991511
Charisma House
Product Code: 10029273
Dimensions: 140 x 210 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 224
Release Date: 01.08.2017
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