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Explore The Bible: Genesis

Explore The Bible: Genesis

The Life Of Jacob


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Explore the Bible: Genesis—The Life of Jacob Bible Study Book  is a six-session study that focuses on the life of Jacob and shows that God can use us, like Jacob, to accomplish His purpose in the world in spite of our sinfulness. Genesis 27–33 tells the stories of Abraham and his descendants, who carried out God’s work in the world. One of those early patriarchs was Jacob. In spite of Jacob’s sin and deceitfulness, God used him to continue His covenant and to make from him a great nation. In this six-week study you will examine Jacob’s journey to the land of Haran, his twenty-year stay there, and his return to the land of Canaan. As Jacob left Canaan and later returned, he had encounters with God that changed his life. Your group will see how God used a flawed individual like Jacob, just as he uses us in our modern context. God helps us, like Jacob, grow and change to become what He wants us to be.
ISBN: 9781535941440
Lifeway Christian Resources
Product Code: 10058641
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 01.10.2018
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