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Face 2 Face: Rahab

Face 2 Face: Rahab

Encountering the woman snatched from destruction



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Can the short account of a brief incident from the life of a woman of dubious character say anything to us today "a woman who lived over 3000 years ago and whose city was doomed to destruction? Yet if all Scripture is God-breathed and profitable to equip us for doing God's will then the answer must be a resounding 'Yes'! But - and what a 'but' that is - what is that 'Yes' going to be, why did God record for us the events leading up to the escape of this woman, not just from the eve of destruction, but from the dawn of the day of destruction itself?
ISBN: 9781846251351
DayOne Publications
Product Code: 544833
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 80
Release Date: 01.08.2008
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