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Fire, The CD

Fire, The CD



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The Fire is the debut solo worship album from Samuel Lane (St Albans Vineyard Church). Recorded at CatBeach Studio in LA with Emmy award-winning producer Bobby Hartry (best known for his work with Jeremy Riddle) and some of the best musicians in the music industry (including John Mayer’s drummer Aaron Sterling), it also features Samuel’s brother-in-law and sister Darren and Jessie Clarke, writers of ‘I Love Your Presence’ and ‘Your Love Endures’. The Fire is the product of Samuel’s life as a worship leader and songwriter serving and growing in the local church. Samuel also draws deeply from his wealth of experience and involvement in the worship of the Vineyard movement in the UK. The songs are full of passion, intimacy and honesty and the record communicates an authentic and heartfelt journey of faith in the presence of God. The Fire not only brings great new songs to the church, but it also calls out to the listener to engage with God; to ‘meet their Maker’. There is nothing more amazing, nothing more life-changing than being drawn into the presence of God, and The Fire will do just this.


Products » Music » Praise and Worship
Vineyard Worship UK
ISBN: 6573301210224
Product Code: 10040495
Binding: CD-Audio
Release Date: 27.02.2013
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