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Glimpsing the Mystery

Glimpsing the Mystery

The Mystery of Daniel



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The stories in the first half of the book of Daniel are Sunday School favorites, and the visions of the second half are sometimes hard to understand. How do either of them relate to the world today, with its frequent news of conflict, injustice, and human suffering? In this book, Barbara M. Leung Lai succinctly takes readers through Daniel, showing throughout how God responds to the needs of his people in difficult times. In a world that seems out of control, God provides glimpses into the mystery of his glory and sovereignty, showing that he has not stopped working and reassuring us that he is still the God of gods and Lord of lords. It is a message that is as necessary today as it was in Daniel's time.
ISBN: 9781577997740
Producer: Lexham Press
Product Code: 10027568
Dimensions: 127 x 203 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 110
Release Date: 01.10.2016
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