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Easy Arts And Crafts Projects For Seasonal Worship And Outreach



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Go Create suggests dozens of ideas for creative worship through the Christian year and at special times like Valentine's Day and Remembrancetide so that local churches can engage imaginatively with their communities. From drama to graffiti art, from making videos on a shoestring to Messy Church type crafts and creating local community exhibitions, this book aims to give confidence to everyone who is seeking ways to create more participatory, multi-sensory worship and outreach events, but doesn't know where to start. A year's worth of themed service outlines are provided together with complete step-by-step instruction on how to make and create the art and craft elements, together with reflection on how the Christian festivals can be used create good opportunities for mission and evangelism.
ISBN: 9780715203767
St Andrews Press
Product Code: 10060201
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 30.01.2019
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