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God Made Animals

God Made Animals



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God has given us lots of clues about how He made animals. This is how we think He did it. Discover how our world has such a wonderful variety of animals from the birds in the air to the fish in the sea . The 'God made' series encourages young children to explore and discover the world around them and tells them about the loving God who made it all. Scientific ideas about how and why everything was created are simply explained through the lively narrative and wonderful illustrations, leaving children marvelling at God's creativity, love and power. With additional information by the Faraday Institute about Science and the Bible for parents to open up discussion and some simple science experiments to engage budding young scientists.
ISBN: 9780745977850
Producer: Lion Hudson
Product Code: 10060481
Dimensions: 200 x 200 mm
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 17.04.2020
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