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God Owns My Business

God Owns My Business

They Said It Couldn't Be Done, But Formally and Legally...



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God Owns My Business is more than a book about a successful businessman. It is the chronicle of how an average man can, with God's guidance and a willing heart, succeed in any endeavor. They said it couldn't be done, but formally and legally, business owner Stanley Tam made God the owner of his business. To say that his business has met with success thanks to this decision would be a significant understatement—Stanley Tam's businesses are large and profitable, giving well over a million dollars annually. Learn what happens when a man gives his business—literally—to God, and be inspired to steward your whole life for God's honor.


Products » BOOKS » Biography » Autobiography
Moody Publishers
ISBN: 9781600663406
Product Code: 282290
133 x 10 x 210 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 206
Release Date: 01.07.2013
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