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God's Good News

God's Good News

More Than 60 Bible Stories And Devotions



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No one has brought the good news to more people than Reverend Billy Graham, and the people who admire him span all generations. This lovely edition of  God's Good News  will be a timeless classic for parents and grandparents to give a new generation of children the good news, to show them the way to the cross, and to help them begin a lifetime of following Christ. Invite the children you love to experience God through powerful stories from the Bible. They will imagine the walls of water in the parted Red Sea, figure out why Joseph chose to forgive his brothers, read about a paralyzed man Jesus healed, and discover God’s exciting plan for their lives. Most of all, this Bible storybook helps children understand God's incredible love for them. Each story is equipped with a takeaway devotion from Rev. Graham. The takeaways will help children focus on God's Word, apply it to their lives, and begin walking with God and sharing the good news from an early age. With Bible stories told in actual Bible text, this storybook teaches that God loves us, saves us from our sin, and invites us into a new life with Him. Each entry includes the wisdom of Billy Graham, who spent his life helping people all over the world understand and respond in faith to the love and mercy of Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that God loves us, and that is  good  news! The striking artwork from Scott Wakefield will help children connect with the timeless Bible stories and messages from Rev. Graham.
ISBN: 9781400209897
Producer: Thomas Nelson
Product Code: 10058963
Binding: Hard Cover
Number of pages: 208
Release Date: 10.01.2019
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