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Going Deep And Wide

Going Deep And Wide

A Companion Guide For Churches And Leaders



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Every Sunday people walk into your church and decide if they will return the following week before the preacher even opens his mouth. Many of those people don't know what to make of Jesus. They're hesitant to be in church. They're not sure they belong. But over and over in the pages of scripture, we see something extraordinary. People who were nothing like Jesus liked Jesus. Shouldn't that be true of the church as well? In  Going Deep & Wide , Andy Stanley lays out a blueprint and offers practical steps to help you turn up the irresistible in your church. Each section includes discussion materials that walk you deeper into the content of  Deep & Wide  and invites conversations about how to apply what you've learned.
ISBN: 9780310538301
Producer: Zondervan
Product Code: 10057676
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 128
Release Date: 21.09.2017
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