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Halloween Nightmares - Color Edition

Halloween Nightmares - Color Edition

The Amazing Adventures Of Harry Moon



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While other kids are out trick-or-treating, eighth-grade magician Harry Moon is flying on a magic cloak named Impenetrable. Harry and Rabbit speed past severed hands, boiling cauldrons, and graveyard witching rituals on their way to unravel a decade-old curse at the annual Sleepy Hollow Halloween Bonfire. With “do no evil” his motto, Harry goes to battle with the sinister Mayor Kligore and Oink, a demon dog. Halloween night becomes the fight and nightmare of Harry Moon’s young life.


Products » Childrens Books » General
ISBN: 9781943785636
Rabbit Publishing
Product Code: 10042821
140 x 19 x 210 mm
Binding: Hard Cover
Number of pages: 186
Release Date: 05.09.2017
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