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His Word in My Heart

His Word in My Heart

Memorizing Scripture For a Closer Walk With God



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Retail price:  £13.25
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Memorizing Scripture . . . memorizing passages of Scripture will change you - the way you think, the way you live, the way you know God.

We want to memorize Scripture, we really do but so many other things become our priority. The kids need to be fed, the laundry done, and a work schedule negotiated. So, we daily strive without doing the most important thing, the best thing - putting God's Word in our hearts and minds. And then we wonder why - Why am I not growing?  Why do I still struggle with this same sin? Why is my family faltering?

The good news is YOU can do it. In this updated classic, Janet Pope will share practical tips and strategies - including how to harness technology - to enable you to start memorizing the living Word today.

ISBN: 9780802409645
Moody Publishers
Product Code: 284083
127 x 11 x 203 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 176
Release Date: 01.09.2013
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