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How To Be A Bible Warrior

How To Be A Bible Warrior



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If you were a warrior you'd have a sharp, shiny sword and an army of soldiers to fight with. There might be a giant to attack, or a throng of enemy soldiers to defeat. But is that all there is to being a warrior? And what does it mean to be a Bible Warrior? Abraham, David, Moses, Joshua, Gideon and Jehoshaphat are all men from the Bible who fought in real life battles, but the lessons we learn from their lives are not about sword skills or battle tactics, they are about honouring God and glorifying him. We learn about how God wants us to fight evil, to stand up for the truth and to trust in him to be our Lord and Leader, Defender and the Victor. There are other people in this book who didn't fight with a sword, yet they still fought the good fight. They fought with words - good words. They fought against evil by telling the true message of how Jesus died to save sinners. You can learn from them and be like them too. But most of all you can learn to be like Jesus - the one who fought sin and won, who fought satan and won and who fought death and won! Get ready to fight!
ISBN: 9781781912317
Christian Focus Publications
Product Code: 116735
Dimensions: 130 x 198 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 128
Release Date: 20.09.2013
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