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How to Read Your Bible (Without Switching Off Your Brain)

How to Read Your Bible (Without Switching Off Your Brain)



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Takes the fear out of Bible reading a€“ fear of the Bible itself, fear that reading the Bible needs several university degrees, fear that the Bible says things that no sensible person could accept. Bible reading for everyone -€“ that'€™s what this book offers! It will speak to those who already read the Bible but find themselves asking why; and to those who don'€™t read the Bible but would like to if only it weren'€™t so strange. It explains what the Bible is, offers an overview of what is found in it, and addresses questions people ask, such as: Does science disprove the Bible? Why is there so much violence in the Bible? What does the Bible say about sex? The author also presents an account of reading the Bible in the context of a life of faith and suggests how the Bible might be integrated with a life of prayer.
ISBN: 9780281073801
The Society for Promoting Chri
Product Code: 874101
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 01.09.2015
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