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I Met God In Hell

I Met God In Hell

The True Story of a Rocker's Unexpected Rescue From Death Into the Arms of God


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On September 1, 2000, Tim Ehmann, a wild, thirty-five-year touring rock n roll musician steeped in the underground entertainment industry, overdosed from shooting too many successive speedballs of heroin and crack. He collapsed and died in his upstairs bedroom. Within moments he found himself in a place of inconceivable horror and absolute terror at the very gates of hell. To his shock, Tim heard and saw many of the old friends he had played and partied with over the years who had previously died untimely deaths from those wild decades. Fully knowing his just fate, lost for eternity, unexpectedly God met Tim in hell and pulled him up into His protective arms and into the wonders of heaven. Tim was shown his calling and destiny, and resurrected seven hours later. This miracle-packed book reveals a God whose love proves so outta control that He continually chased andsupernaturally protected a man bent on destruction through countlesssurreal situations with no other possible explanation for his survival. Since that day, Tim has been experiencing God with ongoing explosive encounters, while being led on many dangerous and sometimes comical front-line adventures with God. Tim Ehmann has a unique friendship with God that shows just how fun and exciting God and heaven can be!"
ISBN: 9781424551194
Broadstreet Publishing
Product Code: 899745
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 28.01.2016
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