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I Will Not Sing Alone

I Will Not Sing Alone

Songs For The Season Of Love



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John L. Bell and Graham Maule of the Wild Goose Resource Group joined with a diverse collection of musicians on the CD that accompanies this book to sing these songs of engagement with life and with God, all grounded in the passion and pain of Christian love. The I Will Not Sing Alone songbook is a deliberately eclectic collection of words and music from different ages fused in new arrangements. There are ancient texts and modern texts, simple and sophisticated; choral anthems, folk tunes and contemporary syncopated melodies. The songs include exclamations of praise, meditative reflections on the love of God, and laments for the loss of a child and for countries at war. Contents: The Lord is my light How can I keep from singing? The treasure Were I the perfect child I will give what I have I will sing a song of love He is the Way Jesus Christ here among us A cradling song In this darkness If the war goes on I heard the voice of Jesus say Hey my love I am the Vine O Jesus, sweet the thought of you Mothering God The mind of God
Wild Goose Publications
ISBN: 9781901557916
Product Code: 10030275
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 152
Release Date: 07.02.2009
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