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In Search Of Ancient Roots

In Search Of Ancient Roots

The Christian Past And The Evangelical Identity Crisis



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A common complaint about Protestant evangelicalism is its apparent disconnection from ancient Christianity. The antiquity and catholicity of Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy seem to outshine the relative novelty of the Reformation. Some evangelical churches appear to be uninterested in the ancient historical roots of their faith as well as being liturgically and doctrinally unstable, resulting in a number of younger Protestants abandoning evangelicalism, turning instead to practices and traditions that appear more rooted in the early church. In Search of Ancient Roots argues that the evangelical tradition in fact has a much healthier track record of interacting with Christian antiquity than it is usually given credit for. Ken Stewart surveys five centuries of Protestant engagement with the ancient church, showing that Christians belonging to the evangelical churches of the Reformation have consistently seen their faith as connected to early Christianity and binding together the historical connections to show that evangelicalism is still in tune with older Christian traditions.
ISBN: 9781783596072
Producer: IVP UK
Product Code: 10043622
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 304
Release Date: 16.11.2017
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