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Inciting Incidents

Inciting Incidents

6 Stories of Fighting Disappointment in a Flawed World



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We believe there is tremendous power in each person's story.

Inciting Incidents combines the unique stories from six creatives (artists, musicians, writers, thinkers, and leaders) managing the tensions between their faith, their place in life, and their work as artists. It is a collective call to face life's imperfections and difficulties while attempting to do the great things we all want to do. By capturing this next generation's battle between idealism and reality-which is where so many of us find ourselves existing each day-these storytellers pave the way for a better understanding of those moments that truly shape us.

ISBN: 9780802406248
Moody Publishers
Product Code: 285260
133 x 9 x 203 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 160
Release Date: 01.09.2012
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