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James (30 Day Devotional)

James (30 Day Devotional)



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Part of a series of twleve pocket-sized 30 day devotionals, these lightweight guides are perfect for people looking for accessible content on the move. As leader of the Jerusalem church, what words of encouragement would James write to these persecuted Christians? Perhaps a little surprisingly, his key message was: faith works. Genuine belief inevitably transforms our speech, suffering, compassion for the poor, humility, prayers, priorities, and, frankly, every other aspect of life. In 5 chapters James introduces and briefly touches upon a whole variety of issues that concern the new believers. In a simple, forthright style he urges them to live out their faith, knowing that God's grace is sufficient for every trial and that there us a value and purpose to their suffering.
ISBN: 9781783595235
Producer: IVP UK
Product Code: 10028269
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 16.03.2017
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