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James Chalmers The Rainmaker's Friend

James Chalmers The Rainmaker's Friend

The Rainmaker's Friend



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James didn't think much about the rain and where it came from as he struggled through the storms on his way to church. He didn't even care that much about going to church, he did all he could to avoid going. But one little letter changed all that. You see, James heard of the people of the South Pacific - people who had never heard of Christ - and in a heartbeat his life changed. He found a new-born love for God and a new attachment to a people who had never heard the truth about their Creator and Saviour. The South Pacific was a dangerous place to be with violent tropical storms and cannibal tribes on the march - but James knew where God wanted him to be and why. In the warm tropical rain that, for him had replaced the icy highland winds, James Chalmers was able to share the news of the rainmaker - the one true God who had come to save his people - even cannibals. But James knew that in the middle of such hostile tribes he may only be a heartbeat away from death. He knew the dangers, he knew the cost - but he was still willing. This is the true story of a young Scot who took the good news of the gospel to cannibals and in the end had his life taken from him by the very people he had come to serve.
ISBN: 9781845501549
Christian Focus Publications
Product Code: 109037
Dimensions: 110 x 178 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 160
Release Date: 21.11.2006
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